Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Abbott's Warm Fuzzy Melting Pot. - » The Australian Independent Media Network

Abbott's Warm Fuzzy Melting Pot. - » The Australian Independent Media Network

Abbott’s Warm Fuzzy Melting Pot.

Breaking news! “In light of the
complex and challenging security environment facing Australia” Abbott
has made another captain’s call; the amendments to section 18c of the
racial vilification act are now officially “off the table”.

Apparently while it was perfectly OK for
shock jocks to indiscriminately hurl racial abuse a few months back,
what we NEED now, as a nation, is to set aside what divides us so we can
all come together in a big warm fuzzy hug of national unity.

That is, of course, except for when we
come together in collective condemnation of anyone who has been to “a
designated conflict zone”.

Under new legislation on the Coalition
drawing board, any “Aussie” so stupid as to go to “a designated conflict
zone” without having the forethought to film their entire visit, (as proof they are not a terrorist),
could be jailed without proof, refused re-entry, expelled from the
country, or simply have their their citizenship revoked, all without any
proof whatsoever they did anything wrong.

While I can’t pretend I am not pleased
that the racial vilification act has survived Abbott’s ill thought out
onslaught, I must confess to being somewhat skeptical as to the
motivations for his back down.

I am quite sure someone within the LNP
has pointed out that, given his abysmal standing in the polls, it might
be better to pick his battles. With his reforms to 18c almost universally condemned (and looking set to face defeat),
and with the budget stench still clouding the air, maybe it might be
prudent to throw us a bit of a feel good bone, particularly when a much
more Machiavellian ambition – to establish a legal precedent for the
removing the burden of proof – could be at play.


Photo: George Brandis Sydney Morning Herald

But then again maybe I am over thinking this, maybe it is just because, as Guy Rundle wrote this week in the Saturday Paper,
“if George Brandis gets rolled on 18C, he will have no honourable
choice but to resign as attorney-general”, and Abbott doesn’t want to
lose a high profile scalp right now.

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