Media mogul Murdoch is buying a Conservative alternate universe

The Abbott Government is leading
Australia down America’s path on a range of social and economic issues,
and holding the reigns is Rupert Murdoch. American writer Vegasjessie
gives us an international perspective on the social damage of Murdoch’s
influence, and the ramifications this could have for Australia.
Denying the climate-change crisis and taking away people’s health
care is not what most Americans want, but the “Murdochracy” is very
persuasive to the contrary.
Pro-war, anti-humanity, pro-pollution is precisely the objective of
the conservatives who are merely puppets of Rupert Murdoch. In addition
to the undying support for the merciless bombing of Gaza by most
American media outlets, Australia’s conservative government is mirroring the sentiments of the GOP and their war-mongering media with its deferential view of the far-right Israeli government.
The impending doom the Affordable Care Act faces in its next Supreme Court battle is
extremely depressing for American Progressives who think health care is
a right, not a privilege. Funny thing, universal health care in
Australia, thanks to the Abbott government, a wholly owned subsidiary of
Rupert Murdoch, is facing a similar battle.
Murdoch argued that true morality lies in the free-market
rather than socialism because “it gives people incentives to put their
own wants and needs aside to address the wants and needs of others.”
(Abbott) praised Murdoch in his IPA speech,
itself weighty with Biblical references, the tradition of politics Tony
Abbott has embraced was clear – that of obstinacy, demagoguery, and
dogmatism. Reforms promised by Abbott during the speech included
privatizing Medibank; the state-owned private health insurer for over
three million Australians, and repealing Section 18C of the Racial
Discrimination Act.
Sound depressingly familiar?
The idea that Americans reject equality, health care for all, or any
restraints on emissions is parroted by our media, which is very much in
danger of monopolization by Murdoch. The efforts to purchase Time-Warner will continue. To create more capital, Rupert is selling his lesser assets:
Britain’s BSkyB agreed to pay $9 billion to buy Murdoch’s pay-TV
companies in Germany and Italy. Fox is expected to use the proceeds to
fuel its pursuit of Time Warner.
The abolition of the carbon tax by Australia last week was the first
industrialized nation to take a giant step backward in the efforts to
curtail man-made climate change. As Rupert owns 70% of
the Australian media, this was easily accomplished, much to the horror
of every scientist not in the employ of the Fox empire. In America,
According to USA Today/Stanford University polling,
73 percent of Americans believe in climate change and 52 percent of
Americans say that it will be a “very serious” problem if we don’t
implement policies to reduce it (as opposed to 10 percent who say that
climate change will be “not serious at all”).
When anti-climate change legislation is presented by the Murdochracy
as an essential component to protect people’s delicate finances,
America, like Australia, is going down a dark path, all thanks to a
megalomaniacal 83 year old who won’t be around to live in the awful
world he is helping to destroy. With the track record of our Supreme
Court, it wouldn’t be surprising if “clean coal” wins a massive law suit
against those damned scientists who report on facts in the
not-too-distant future.
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